Doug Koplow, Dale Andrew, Jean Marc Burniaux, and Erkki Adorian
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(Word Document). Doug Koplow, Dale Andrew, Jean Marc Burniaux, and Erkki Adorian. OECD, Joint Working Party on Trade and Environment, September 2001. Also available in French.
Presentation to the World Bank Transport Forum outlines a number of
principles for good alternative fuel policy that focuses on displacing
petroleum consumption in transport rather than trying to select the
winning technology. (March 2007). A more detailed policy description,
for comment, can be…
Formal comments outlining market distortions and structural weaknesses in DOE's multi-billion dollar program to subsidize favored energy technologies. Authorized under Title XVII of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, the program creates a huge potential windfall to the nuclear sector. Also accessible…
Report. Summary slides from release.
Growing production and more subsidies converge to trigger an estimated
$93 billion in support to ethanol and biodiesel for the 2006-12
period. The report also contains a detailed review of the large and
potentially environmentally harmful biofuels subsidies in…
subsidy cost per mt CO2eq abated via goverment supports to biofuels
(including cellulosic) and nuclear energy. Integrating data from
McKinsey & Co. on abatement options, demonstrates subsidies
comprise the least efficient options for addressing climate
change. Prepared for Greenpeace…
Reviewed options for the state of California to more effectively align incentives for brownfields redevelopment and to identify financial tools that would help achieve land reclamation.
with CPCFA staff members Sam Smalls and Keith Seegmiller, with
additional input from…
Prepared with the National Policy Workgroup of the National Recycling Coalition. September 1999. Analysis identifies and quantifies a number of direct and indirect subsidies that put recycled materials at a disadvantage to virgin materials.
Published in Waste News Op-Ed, August 6, 2001. A host of new subsidies to converting a wide variety of biomass-based wastes into energy were proposed in legislation during 2001; many of these policies are in the newest energy bills before Congress again during 2003. By increasing the returns for…
Prepared while at Industrial Economics, for the Office of Policy Planning and Evaluation, US EPA, October 1996. Pat Bradley of the Office of Water and Robert Benson of the Office of Policy Planning and Evaluation served as project managers. Also available through EPA.
Doug Koplow with research assistance from Alexi Lownie
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Prepared while at Industrial Economics, for the Office of Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, February 1998, EPA 833-R-98-001.
Efforts to conserve water often focus on installing more efficient appliances or on removing subsidies to irrigation water. Often overlooked is the role that proper…
Published in Resource Recycling, November 1994. Detailed assessment of how federal subsidies to the Bonneville Power Administration reduce the price of primary aluminum and with it the incentive to recycle the metal. The article estimated that the resulting undervaluation of embedded energy savings…
With a main report
and a technical appendix covering more than 600 pages, this is
among the most detailed analyses of government subsidies to energy
produced to date. The summary report provides an…
Prepared for the National Recycling Coalition, 2001.
Subsidies to methane recovery at solid waste landfills is often supported on the grounds that it encourages energy diversification and prevents the emissions of important greenhouse gases to the environment. However, this analysis suggests that…
Extremely detailed, widely peer-reviewed, examination of subsidies to oil in the United States throughout every stage of the fuel cycle. Includes plain-language explanations of how different types of subsidy programs operate and why the are valuable to the recipient industries. This is useful…